Member-only story
5G Masts and Anti-vaxxers
It is past midnight but I cannot sleep. I punch the pillows but the mattress is softer than I am used to and each turn causes a raft of springs to creak. Outside the wind howls, made worse by the loose pane that rattles in its groove and channels a chilling draft. I squirm low and pull the blankets over my ears. Blood pulses loud in my head. ‘Relax and get to sleep’ I chide myself. I am just beginning to free-fall into fantasy land when a buzz interrupts my flight. Refusing to be disturbed I rollover and wince at the coldness of the sheets. Kicking for heat has awakened me and spurred my curiosity. I check my phone and see a message: “Was good to meet you. Exclusive story for you tomorrow night. Come on your own 9pm Kavanagh’s pub. Knock the door twice. Shaun.”
Darkness beckons
Who the hell is Shaun? It is too late to reply. I stretch over to replace the phone on the side-table then lie flat on my back. I stare at the expanse of dark grey ceiling, hands clasped over my stomach, and regret agreeing to house-sit for Julie, who is stuck in Peru. I close my eyes, tired of staring at nothing. The expanse of black dots has my eyeballs aching. Eventually I nod off but I am disturbed by the sound of sirens. Am I dreaming? I click on my bedside lamp to check the time. But the light does not…